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  2. Docs
  3. YaraEditor (Web)
  4. Installation
  5. Configuration


Bare Metal Configuration (optional)

Locate your MySQL credentials. You can get them with the following command.

sudo cat /etc/mysql/debian.cnf

Docker Configuration (optional)

Nothing specific has to be done, except what has been done in Installation steps already.
Just prepare your MYSQL user/password and storage location for the next steps.

Common Configuration

Edit your configuration file (under /your_root/src/config.php), as explained below.
From the Installation steps, fill in the following information:

  • The database name in sections “db/signatures” and “db/usercake”
  • The database credentials (see above) in sections “db/signatures” and “db/usercake”.
  • The database host in sections “db/signatures” and “db/usercake”. NOTE: For docker it must be the name of the mysql container (“db” in our template).
  • The storage paths in section “tests/storage” and “modules/localstorage/storage” (or configure owncloud if you planned to use it).
  • The public url in section “urls/baseUrl”. Example: “http://localhost” (locally), “https://my.mrf.example.com/”

Then, change the config file according to your needs (see below)


Most modules are not documented, it’s not advised to change their configuration. Only a few can be tweaked:


  • Enable the module with section “owncloud/enabled” = True
  • Put your owncloud url in section “owncloud/url” (see documentation for Owncloud)
  • Create a storage folder in your owncloud instance, and put its path into section “owncloud/storage” (example, “MyFolder”)
  • Create a shared link for this storage location, and put in section “owncloud/download_url”. This will be used for downloads.
  • Put your owncloud API credentials into “owncloud/account” and “owncloud/token” sections. It’s better to create an API key than using passwords.
  • Don’t forget to re-run the installation script if needed after changing this


  • Enable the module with section “mrf/enabled” = True
  • Put your MRF url into section “mrf/base_url”
  • Put your MRF API key into section “mrf/api_key”
  • Don’t forget to re-run the installation script if needed after changing this

Please find below a configuration file template with pre-configured options.
Don’t hesitate to use it as a starting point.

    The important thing to realize is that the config file should be included in every
    page of your project, or at least any page you want access to these settings.
    This allows you to confidently use these settings throughout a project because
    if something changes such as your database credentials, or a path to a specific resource,
    you'll only need to update it here.

$config = array(
    "version" => "1.1",
    "db" => array(
        "usercake" => array(
            "dbname" => "yed",      				// {{CHANGE THIS}} database name for users storage
            "username" => "your_mysql_user",   		// {{CHANGE THIS}} database user for users storage
            "password" => "your_mysql_password",    // {{CHANGE THIS}} database user password for users storage
            "host" => "localhost"   		        // {{CHANGE THIS}} database host for users storage
        "signatures" => array(
            "dbname" => "mrf",      				// {{CHANGE THIS}} database name for signatures storage
            "username" => "your_mysql_user",   		// {{CHANGE THIS}} database user for signatures storage
            "password" => "your_mysql_password",    // {{CHANGE THIS}} database user password for signatures storage
            "host" => "localhost"   		        // {{CHANGE THIS}} database host for signatures storage
    "urls" => array(
        "baseUrl" => "https://yourwebsite.com/" // {{CHANGE THIS}} Base url of your website, TRAILING SLASH NEEDED
    "ui" => array(
        "template" => "ampleadmin",
        "colors" => "red-dark",
        "is_dark" => True,

    "yara_version" => "3.11.0",           // {{CHANGE THIS}} (optional) Yara engine version (Python module)
    "cookie" => "yaraeditor",
    "mode" => "workflow",			      // {{CHANGE THIS}} (optional): "workflow" is default, needs approval for rules. "public" does not need approval.
    "leftnav" => array(
            "name" => "Dashboard",
            "link" => "/index.php",
            "icon" => "fa fa-dashboard",
    		"name" => "Edition",    		
    		"icon" => "fa fa-pencil",
    		"link" => 
		            "name" => "Create",
		            "link" => "/edit.php",
		            "icon" => "fa fa-pencil",
		            "name" => "My Work",
		            "link" => "/myrules.php",
		            "icon" => "fa fa-flask",
    		"name" => "Live",    		
    		"icon" => "fa fa-industry",
    		"link" => 
		            "name" => "Files",
		            "link" => "/files.php",
		            "icon" => "fa fa-list",
		            "name" => "Search",
		            "link" => "/search.php",
		            "icon" => "fa fa-search",
		            "name" => "History",
		            "link" => "/history.php",
		            "icon" => "fa fa-history",
		            "name" => "Recycle Bin",
		            "link" => "/recycle.php",
		            "icon" => "fa fa-trash",
    		"name" => "Tests",    		
    		"icon" => "fa fa-refresh",
    		"link" => 
		            "name" => "List",
		            "link" => "/tests.php",
		            "icon" => "fa fa-list",
    		"name" => "Threats",    		
    		"icon" => "fa fa-bug",
    		"link" => 
		            "name" => "List",
		            "link" => "/threats.php",
		            "icon" => "fa fa-list",
            "name" => "Aliases",
            "icon" => "fa fa-arrow-right",
            "link" =>
                    "name" => "List",
                    "link" => "/aliases.php",
                    "icon" => "fa fa-list",
    		"name" => "Publications",    		
    		"icon" => "fa fa-globe",
    		"link" => 
		            "name" => "List",
		            "link" => "/publications.php",
		            "icon" => "fa fa-list",
    "user_settings" => array(
      "email_notifications" => array(
          "display" => "Email Notifications",
          "settings" => array(
              "new_publication" => array(
                  "name" => "email_notification_on_publication",
                  "display" => "Email notification on new publication",
                  "default" => False
    "modules" => array(
        "localstorage" => array(
			"enabled" => True,                         			// {{CHANGE THIS}} (optional) Default (local) storage for publication. False to turn it off if you use owncloud
			"class" => "LocalStorage",
			"priority" => 10,
			"storage" => "/data/your_storage_location_here/",   // {{CHANGE THIS}} (optional) Storage location of your publications
			"cron" => True,
        "owncloud" => array(
            "enabled" => False,									// {{CHANGE THIS}} (optional) Owncloud (cloud) storage for publications. True to turn it on, do not forget to turn off localstorage.
            "class" => "Owncloud",
            "priority" => 10,
            "url" => "https://your_own_cloud.com",				// {{CHANGE THIS}} (optional) Owncloud root url
            "download_url" => "https://your_own_cloud.com/index.php/s/share_key",  // {{CHANGE THIS}} (optional) Public link on the root folder (storage location below)
            "storage" => "Storage.Folder.For.Signatures",                          // {{CHANGE THIS}} (optional) Create public link above on this storage folder
            "account" => "username",							// {{CHANGE THIS}} (optional) Your owncloud user
            "token" => "apikey",								// {{CHANGE THIS}} (optional) Your owncloud user API key
            "cron" => True,
        "mrf" => array(
            "enabled" => False,									// {{CHANGE THIS}} (optional) MRF module, to use tests on real samples stored in MRF. True to turn it on
            "class" => "MRF",	
            "priority" => 8,
            "base_url" => "https://yourmrf.com/",				// {{CHANGE THIS}} (optional) Your MRF server location (do not forget last slash)
            "api_key" => ""										// {{CHANGE THIS}} (optional) Your MRF api key
        "yaradata" => array(
            "enabled" => True,
            "class" => "YaraData",
            "priority" => 9,
            "scanfile_virtual_file_to_use" => => array( "signatures" )	// {{CHANGE THIS}} (optional) The virtual file(s) that will be used to scan with scanfile API
        "twitter" => array(
            "enabled" => False,				        			// {{CHANGE THIS}} (optional) Post on Twitter when new publication is done
            "class" => "Twitter",
            "priority" => 9,
            "token" => array(
                "consumer_key" => "",							// {{CHANGE THIS}} (optional) Twitter API
                "consumer_secret" => "",						// {{CHANGE THIS}} (optional) Twitter API
                "access_token_key" => "",						// {{CHANGE THIS}} (optional) Twitter API
                "access_token_secret" => ""						// {{CHANGE THIS}} (optional) Twitter API
            "templates" => array(
                "new_publication" => "New malware #signatures package published (version %%VERSION%%)"	// {{CHANGE THIS}} (optional) template message to use when posting
        "alias" => array(
            "enabled" => True,
            "class" => "Alias",
            "priority" => 9,
    "tests" => array(
        "storage" => "/data/your-files-storage/"			// {{CHANGE THIS}} Where to store files uploaded for tests
    "publication" => array(
		"generate_unencrypted" => True,						// {{CHANGE THIS}} (optional) Generate unencrypted publication package (compiled only)
        "generate_encrypted" => False,						// {{CHANGE THIS}} (optional) Generate encrypted publication package (compiled + xored)
        "encryption_key" => ""								// {{CHANGE THIS}} (optional) Xor key used to encrypt the compiled files. Client must use the same key to use the files

	"available_imports" => array(
	"threats" => array(
	    "goodware_default" => "Safe",
		"types" => array(
			"Safe", "Malware", "Adware", "Ransomware", "Miner", "Trojan", "Rogue", "Keylogger", "Virus", "Rootkit", "Spyware", "Exploit", "Unwanted"
		"platforms" => array(
			"Windows", "MacOSX", "Linux"
	    "mapping" => array(
	        "Safe" => array("filter" => array("Safe."), "criticality" => 1),
	        "Adware" => array("filter" => array("Adw."), "criticality" => 2),
	        "Ransomware" => array("filter" => array("Ransom."), "criticality" => 3),
	        "Miner" => array("filter" => array("Miner.","BitMiner."), "criticality" => 3),
	        "Trojan" => array("filter" => array("Tr."), "criticality" => 3),
			"Unwanted" => array("filter" => array("PUP.", "PUM."), "criticality" => 2),
	        "Rogue" => array("filter" => array("Rogue."), "criticality" => 3),
	        "Keylogger" => array("filter" => array("Keylog."), "criticality" => 3),
	        "Virus" => array("filter" => array("Vir."), "criticality" => 3),
	        "Rootkit" => array("filter" => array("Root."), "criticality" => 3),
	        "Spyware" => array("filter" => array("Spy."), "criticality" => 3),
	        "Exploit" => array("filter" => array("Exploit."), "criticality" => 3),
    "misc" => array(
        "confirm_rule_submit" => False					// {{CHANGE THIS}} (optional) Display popup to confirm rule submission
    "cron" => array(
        "enabled" => False

$GLOBALS["config"] = $config;

// Conditional config
if ($config["mode"] !== "public") {
    array_splice($config["leftnav"][1]["link"], 2, 0, array(array(
        "name" => "Approval",
        "link" => "/approval.php",
        "icon" => "fa fa-thumbs-up",
        "access" => ["admin","publisher","manager"]

// Init globals
// We put this code in config so that it's called on every php page
$user = UCUser::getCurrentUser();


function IsModuleEnabled($module) {
    return isset($GLOBALS["config"]["modules"][$module]) && $GLOBALS["config"]["modules"][$module]["enabled"];

    I will usually place the following in a bootstrap file or some type of environment
    setup file (code that is run at the start of every page request), but they work 
    just as well in your config file if it's in php (some alternatives to php are xml or ini files).
    Creating constants for heavily used paths makes things a lot easier.
    ex. require_once(LIBRARY_PATH . "Paginator.php")
//    or define("LIBRARY_PATH", realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/library'));
//    or define("TEMPLATES_PATH", realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates'));
    Error reporting.
ini_set("error_reporting", "true");


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