Scan & Install Updates
Uninstall Software
Personal Use Only
Forum support
Scan & Install Updates
Uninstall Software
Scheduled Scans
Install New Software
PUP Protection
Enterprise Use Allowed
Email support
All Premium Features
Portable Config & License
Unlimited machines
Scriptable software
Email support
Update your software
With its ability to update all your -compatible- software with bulk selection, UCheck software updater is your best companion against software exploits. Checkout our compatibility list.
Update often, with its scheduled tasks and automated updates, and keep your software safe and performant.
Install new software
UCheck software updater not only provides software updates, but also allows to install new -compatible- software. *NEW*: now protects from optional offers.
Our library is rich with hundreds of software, among the most used and recognized in the world. They are selected with care, so you can trust them.
Uninstall software
Last but not least, UCheck software updater is able to list all the software installed on your machine, and uninstall or repair them.
Don't waste your time with updates, UCheck will happily do it for you !
Download links
Jim A. - March 2019
Awesome product !
I was looking for a software updates checker but never found something that could satisfy my needs. Some were very handy, with a large database but they had poor features or user interface.
Then I found UCheck, and tried it. It scanned my computer in seconds, listed my software and I was very surprised that most of them were actually compatible. Made the update, went smoothly in one click.
I really appreciate the install feature, it allows me to use it in a portable way on the new machines I build to deploy essential software and get ready in one minute.
I do recommend !