Download CrashDumpExtractor

Why CDE ?   If you are a Windows software developer, and if your software is pretty popular, you probably know how hard it can be to fix bugs.   In Windows development, when an application crashes, it often generates what is called a “crash dump”. This file contains all the information regarding the last…

Télécharger Adlice Admin

  Adlice Admin est un logiciel open source capable de lister les clients RogueKiller que vous managez. Les fontionnalités sont listées ci-après:

Télécharger MRF

MRF (Malware Repository Framework) est un framework privé capable de centraliser vos fichiers malware au même endroit, et offre des outils d’analyse de fichiers ainsi que l’accès à des scanners tiers.

Download MRF

MRF (Malware Repository Framework) is a private framework able to centralize all your malware files into the same place, as well as offering file analysis and 3rd party scanners.

Télécharger RogueKillerCMD

Pourquoi RogueKiller Anti-malware Ligne de Commandes ?   Les antivirus classiques utilisent des signatures pour détecter les nouvelles menaces. C’était une très bonne idée dans les années 2000, mais maintenant c’est fini. Les malware modernes utilisent des techniques comme l’auto modification pour rester sous le radar et infecter des machines “protégées”. A côté de cela,…

Download RogueKillerCMD Anti-malware

Why RogueKiller Command Line Anti-Malware ?   Classic antivirus and antimalware are using signatures to detect new threats. While this was a great idea in the 00’s it’s now over. Modern malware are using techniques like self modification to fly under the radar and infect “protected” machines. Additionally, threats like spyware and adware are often…

Download DiffView

Adlice DiffView is a software used by researchers at Antivirus companies or CERT worldwide in order to perform dynamic malware analysis. It’s often complicated to know what a software is really doing on a machine. Some people rely on various software, like Process Monitor, Cuckoo, or even firewalls, to get a rough idea of its…